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Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

No. 48 Seiryuzan Sairin-ji

Sairin-jiHistory and origin of

Gyoki erected this temple as a separate temple for the Ichinomiya by the imperial prayer of Emperor Shomu (reign 724~749). Then, when Kobo Daishi was doing a preaching tour of Shikoku, sojourned at the temple and determined this as Shikoku hallowed ground and made this into a dojo to pray for peace and security for the nation. In addition, Daishi using the priest's staff for the villagers suffering from lack of water, and found a water vein. Jonofuchi located 300m southwest of the temple is said to the ruins of this episode and it is still now watering the land.

Sairin-jiDetailed information of

Denomination Shingon Buzan sect
Principal image Eleven-faced Kannon
Temple foundation Gyoki Bosatsu
Foundation Tenpyo year 13 (741)
Address 〒791-1111
1007, Takaimachi, Matsuyama-shi
Telephone 089-975-0319
Pilgrim's lodging None

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