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Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

No. 7 Komyozan Juraku-ji

Juraku-jiHistory and origin of

When Kobo Daishi was touring and sojourning in this land, he received Amida Nyorai, carved a statue as a principal image, for worship and is said to have named the temple "Komyosan Jūraku-ji" so that hardships such as being born, elderly, illness, death and such which as humans, we cannot avoid will obtain the 10 lights and shining happiness. To the left front of the main hall the Chiganshitsumekyusaijizoson which is said to give miracles to eye disease from ancient times is enshrined. There are strong ties with the Izumi district in Osaka, and the stonework are inscribed with "Osaka Daishiko", "Sensyukomyoko ", "Izumiotsugasshoko", "Kaizukahenjoko", "Kojimadaishiko" and "Kiidaishiko".

Juraku-jiDetailed information of

Denomination Kōyasan Shingon-shū
Principal image Amida Nyorai
Temple foundation Kobo Daishi
Foundation Daido Period (806~810)
Address 〒771-1509
58, Houkyouden, Donaricho Takao, Awa-shi
Telephone 088-695-2150
Pilgrim's lodging Yes

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