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Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

No. 30 Dodozan Zenraku-ji

Zenraku-jiHistory and origin of

The area surrounding the temple is a land that have flourished from the oldest time around Tosa, and Kobo Daishi visited this land during the Daido Period and opened this as a separate temple for Takakamo Daimoyjin, a Tosakoku-ichinomiya, sochinju, and determined this as hallowed ground. Since then, it has a history that it flourished as a temple for the syncretistic fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism. In the Koyasujizodo on the precinct is enshrined a kind faced Jizo that is said to be the work of Kobo Daishi. The Umemi Jizo to the left is popular as having a divine effect to diseases above the neck.

Zenraku-jiDetailed information of

Denomination Shingon Buzan sect
Principal image Amida Nyorai
Temple foundation Kobo Daishi
Foundation Daido Period (806~810)
Address 〒781-8131
2-23-11, Ikku shinane, Kochi-shi
Telephone 088-846-4141
Pilgrim's lodging None

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