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Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

No. 39 Shakkizan Enko-ji

Enko-jiHistory and origin of

Gyoki received a royal command from Emperor Shomu (reign 724~749) and prayed for easy delivery and warding off evil, and carved the Bhaiṣajyaguru as the principal image and opened the temple. Kobo Daishi visited this temple afterwards, and enshrined the Nikko/Gekko Bodhisattva and organized the complete seven-structured temple compound. At that time Daishi struck the ground with the priest's staff and the miraculous water that sprung up is what is today the "eye washing well". The name of the mountain is derived from the legend that the red turtle appeared, bearing the temple bell.

Enko-jiDetailed information of

Denomination Shingon Chizan sect
Principal image Bhaiṣajyaguru
Temple foundation Gyoki Bosatsu
Foundation Jinki year 1 (724)
Address 〒788-0782
390, Hiratacho nakayama, Sukumo-shi
Telephone 0880-66-0225
Pilgrim's lodging None

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