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Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

No. 20 Ryojuzan Kakurin-ji

Kakurin-jiHistory and origin of

Located at the summit of the Washigao mountain at an altitude of 550m, large cedar, cypress, and pine trees loom over the approaching path. When Kobo Daishi was training in this mountain, two white male and female cranes were taking turns spreading out their winds to protect a small golden Jizo. Daishi carved a 90 cm Kshitigarbha from a nearby sacred tree and placed the golden Jizo in the womb and made this the principal image, and named the temple as Kakurin-ji.

Kakurin-jiDetailed information of

Denomination Kōyasan Shingon-shū
Principal image Kshitigarbha
Temple foundation Kobo Daishi
Foundation Enryaku year 17 (798)
Address 〒771-4303
14, Wasigao, Ikuna, Katsuracho Katsura-gun
Telephone 0885-42-3020
Pilgrim's lodging None

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