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Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

No. 71 Kengozan Iyadani-ji

Iyadani-jiHistory and origin of

On Iyadanisan which was revered as a sacred mountain from the old days, with the imperial prayer of Emperor Shomu (reign 724~749), Gyoki, to mourn the nirvana of the parents of Empress Kōmyō, enshrined the Daihokobutsu-kegon-kyo Sutra and founded the temple. To the back of the Taishido is a rock cave called Shishinoiwaya and when Kobo Daishi was young, he was encouraged to study there and afterwards carried out training of esoteric Buddhism. On the rock wall leading towards the main hall is Amida Sanzon-zo. Amidasanzommagaibutsu The precinct is known as the place to worship ancestral spirits and a custom called "Iyadani mairi" has been passed down.

Iyadani-jiDetailed information of

Denomination Shingon Zentsu-ji sect
Principal image Senjū Kannon
Temple foundation Gyoki Bosatsu
Foundation Tenpyo period (729-749)
Address 〒767-0031
70, Minocho Omi Otsu, Mitoyo-shi
Telephone 0875-72-3446
Pilgrim's lodging None

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